Request of Additional Job Order Personnel
Personnel/Number Qualification Duties/Responsibilities
Technical/ Researcher Staff (6) Graduate of any of the following course:

  1. Bachelor of Laws/LIB Students
  2. AB Political Science
  3. BS Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering
  4. BS Marine Engineering/ BS Marine Transportation/ BS Marine Education
  5. BS Computer Engineering
  1. Assists in the development of research proposal;
  2. Assists in the development and review of courses;
  3. Assist in the research proposal (focusing on the STCW)
  4. Data processing and analysis;
  5. Assists in the Maritime Information and Databanking
  6. Identifies relevant literatures and analysis of current trends ….. read more

Interested Applicants may send application letter to email address [email protected]

Written exam and interview will be ob 24th June, 2016 at HRMDS/ADMIN. Division STCW Office 6th floor

Finance Staff (2) Graduate of any of the following course:

  1. BS Accountancy
  2. BS Management Accountancy
  3. BS B. Administration

Budget Section

  1. Prepares Obligation Request for STCW Transactions.
  2. Prepares, input and monitors allotment and obligations in RAOPS, RAOMO and RAOCO (Request of Allotment and Obligation for PS, MOOE and CO).
  3. Assists and preparation of STCW Office Budget Proposal
  4. Receives documents from other office (STCW related transactions)
  5. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor.

Accounting Section

  1. Prepares Disbursement Voucher (DV) for STCW transactions.
  2. Prepares Journal Entry Voucher (JEV) for STCW transactions.
  3. Checks/Reviews Report of Collection and Deposits against Official Receipt (OR), Authority to Accept Payment (ATAP) and Deposit Slip. read more


Posted on June 17, 2016

WORKING DRAFT IRR OF RA 12021 (as of 14 November 2024)

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