MANA Mo 2022

September  is   Maritime  Archipelagic  Nation  Awareness  Month!  The   Maritime  Industry   Authority (MARINA)   enjoins  all seafarers, shipping companies, and other maritime stakeholders to join us during this month-long celebration of #MANAMo2022.

This  year’s  theme  is “Our Seas, Our Livelihood, Our Life Source: A Whole-of-Nation Approach Towards Raising Maritime and Ocean Awareness”. For  the  entire  month  of  September, the  MARINA,  other  participating  agencies  and instrumentalities  of  the  National  and Local  Government  as  well as the private sector will be holding several face-to-face and virtual activities designed to raise awareness and consciousness on maritime and archipelagic concerns of the Philippines.

You may access the official MANA Mo 2022 Google Site using the link:

More details about the events and activities of MANA Mo 2022 will be also available on the MARINA social media platforms, so stay tuned!