2024 |


Number Date    Subject
MARINA   Circular
No. SC-2024-01

Policies, Rules and Regulation on the Accreditation of Instructors and Training Course Assesors of Maritime Training Institutions, and Competency Assessors of Assessment Centers.

Annex I
Annex II
Annex III

2023 |


Number Date    Subject
MARINA   Circular
No. SC-2023-05
02/03/2023 Revised Rules and Guidelines in the Issuance, Renewal and Replacement of MARINA Professional ID


Number Date    Subject
MARINA  Circular
No. SC-2023-04

Revised Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Assessment of Competence and Certification of Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch (RFPEW) and Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine in a Manned Engine-Room or Designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned Engine-Room, and Electro-Technical Ratings under Regulations III/4, III/5 and III/7, respectively, of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.

Annex A 
Annex B
Annex C

MARINA Circular
No. SC-2023-03
02/05/2023 Revised Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Assessment of  Competence and Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (RFPNW) and Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck  under Regulations II/4 and II/5 respectively, of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
Annex A
Annex B


Number Date    Subject
MARINA Circular No. SC-2023-01 02/03/2023 Rules and Regulations on Seafarers’ Required Hours of rest for Philippine-Registered Ships Engaged in International Trade
MARINA Circular No. SC-2023-02 02/03/2023 Rules and Regulations on the Prevention of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Onboard Philippine-Registered Ships Engaged in Domestic and International Trade

2022 |


Number Date    Subject
MARINA Circular No. SC-2022-06 10/25/2022 Revise mandatory minimum requirements for Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck (AB Deck) under regulation II/5 of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
MARINA Circular No. SC-2022-04 10/25/2022 Revised mandatory minimum requirements for the Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) under Regulation III/5 of the STCW Convention, 1978, as Amended
MARINA Circular No. SC-2022-02 04/13/2022 Revised Fees Covering Certificates of Competency (COC) and Certificates of Profiency (COP)


Number Date    Subject
MARINA Circular No. SC-2022-03 05/11/2022 Policies, Rules and Regulations for the Approval of the Conduct of Practical Assessment for Management Level, Operational Level, Support Level, Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) and GMDSS Radio Operators


Number Date    Subject
Circular No. SC-2022-05
10/28/2022 Standards for Mandatory Training Courses under The STCW Convention,1978, As Amended

– Annex I
– Annex II

1. Management Level Course (MLC) for Marine Deck Officers
2. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch
3. Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck
3.1. Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck (Modules 4,5 and 8)

4. Management Level Course (MLC) for Marine Engineer Officers
4.1 .1. Marine Steam Turbine (MST)
5. Ratings Forming Part of a Watch in a Manned Engine-room or designated to perform duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-room
6. Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine in a Manned Engine-room or designated to perform duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-room
6.1. Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine (Modules 5,7 and 8)

7. Electro-Technical Officer
8. Electro-Technical Ratings
9. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Radio Operators
10. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (Issue 01 Rev 01) Updated May 17, 2024
11. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (Issue 01 Rev 01) Updated 17, May 2024
12. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
13. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (Issue 01 Rev 01) Updated May 17, 2024
14. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (Issue 01 Rev 01) Updated May 17, 2024
15. Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces
16. Passenger Ship Crowd Management Training
17. Passenger Ship Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training
18. Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training
19. Basic Training for Ships Subject to the IGF Code
20. Advanced Training for Service on Ships Subject to the IGF Code (Issue 01 Rev 02) Updated May 17, 2024
21. Basic Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Issue01 Rev 01) Updated May 17, 2024
22. Advanced Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Issue 01 Rev01) Updated May 17, 2024
23. Basic Training
24. Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats
25. Fast Rescue Boats
26. Advanced Fire Fighting
27. Medical First Aid
28. Medical Care
29. Ship Security Officer
30. Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties
31. Refresher Course on Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
32. Refresher Course on Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
33.Refresher Course on Basic Training
34.Refresher Course on Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats
35.Refresher Course on Fast Rescue Boats
36.Refresher Course on Advanced Fire Fighting
39. Refresher Course on Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

Annex III
– Annex IV
– Technical Guidance AB Deck and Engine
– Supplemental Technical Guidance on the adoption of the Revised Training Standards
– Supplemental Technical Guidance on the adoption of the Newly Developed Training Standards

2021 |


Number Date    Subject
Circular No.
06/26/2021 Fees and Charges relating to the implementation of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended
Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-06 03/23/2021 Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (COC) for Chief Engineer Officers, Second Engineer Officers, Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch in a Manned Engine-Room or Designated Duty Engineer Officer in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room and Electro-Technical Officers Serving on Seagoing Ships Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 750 kW Propulsion Power or more under Chapter III of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended
Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-05 03/23/2021 Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) for Seafarers Serving on Tanker Ships, Ships Subject to the IGF Code and Ships operating in Polar Waters under Chapter V of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended
Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-04 03/23/2021 Revised Rules in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) for Basic Training, Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats, Fast Rescue Boats, Advanced Fire Fighting, Medical First Aid, Medical Care, Ship Security Officer, and Security-Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties under Chapter VI of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended
Memorandum Circular No. SC-2021-03 03/01/2021 Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (COC) for Masters, Chief Mates, and Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch on Seagoing Ships of 500 Gross Tonnage of more under Chapter II and for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Radio Operators on Ships Required to Participate in the GMDSS under Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended

Number Date    Subject
Circular No. SC-
12/29/2021 Revised Guidelines on Training and Assessment of Seafarers by Distance Learning and E-learning in accordance with the Provisions of Regulation 1/6 of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended
Circular No. SC-
12/29/2021 Policies, Rules and Regulations on the Approval of Training Courses under the STCW Convention 1978, as amended
Circular No. SC-2021-08
12/29/2021 Policies, Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Maritime Training Institutions and Assessment Centers

Number Date    Subject
Circular No.
03/23/2021 Amendment  to  Article V of   STCW   Circulars.   No. 2018-08  and   2018-09

Number Date    Subject
Circular No.
03/18/2021 Revised Rules on the Monitoring of Approved Training Courses (ATCs) conducted by the Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs), and Assessment of Seafarer’s Competence carried out by Accredited Assessment Centers (ACs)

2020 |


Number Date    Subject
Circular No.
12/23/2022 Amendment    to   Article  II   of   Memorandum    Circular No. SC 2020-02     
Circular No.
06/05/2020 Amendment    to   Article  II   of   Memorandum    Circular No. SC 2019-01

2019 |


Number Date    Subject
Circular No.
 10/07/2019 Amendments to the STCW Circulars No. 2018-08 and 2018-09 on the revised rules and mandatory minimum requirements in the assessment of competence of seafarers under the relevant provisions of Chapters II, III and IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended    

2018 |


Number Date    Subject

STCW Circular No. 2018-07
10/24/2018 Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (COC) for Chief Engineer Officers, Second Engineer Officers, Officers In Charge of an Engineering Watch in a Manned Engine-Room or designated Duty Engineer Officer in a periodically unmanned Engine-Room and Electro Technical Officers serving on Seagoing Ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 KW propulsion power or more under Chapter III of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
STCW Circular No. 2018-06 10/24/2018 Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (COC) for Masters, Chief Mates, and Officers In Charge of a Navigational Watch on Seagoing Ships of 500 Gross Tonnage or more under Chapter II and for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Radio Operators on Ships required to participate in the GMDSS under Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.
STCW Circular No. 2018-05 09/11/2018 Rules in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) for Basic Training, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats, Advance Fire Fighting, Medical First Aid, Medical Care, Ship Security Officer, and Security-Awareness Training & Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Under Chapter VI of the STCW Convention, 1978, as Amended
STCW Circular No. 2018-04 09/11/2018 Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) for Seafarers serving on tanker ships, ships subject to the IGF Code and Ships operating in polar waters under Chapters V of the STCW Convention, 1978, as Amended
STCW Circular No. 2018-03 08/16/2018 Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Issuance Of Documentary Evidence for Seafarers Serving on Passenger Ships Under Regulation V/2 of the STCW Convention, 1978, As  Amended
STCW Circular No. 2018-01 03/13/2018 Amendment to the STCW Circular No. 2016-09 on the Rules in the Issuance and Renewal of MARINA License (Professional ID)

Number Date    Subject


Circular No. 2018-09

10/24/2018  Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum Requirements in the Assessment of Competence of Seafarers under the relevant provisions of Chapters III of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.


Circular No. 2018-08

10/24/2018 Revised Rules and Mandatory Minimum requirements in the Assessment of Competence of Seafarers under the relevant provisions of Chapters II and IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.

2017 |


Number Date    Subject
No. 2017-07
09/08/2017 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Electro-Technical Ratings

No. 2017-06

Revised Requirements for STCW Circular No. 2017-06

Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch

No. 2017-06
09/08/2017 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch
No. 2017-05
09/08/2017 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck
No. 2017-04
09/08/2017 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Watch in a Manned Engine-Room or Designated to Perform Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room
No. 2017-03
09/08/2017 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine in a Manned Engine- Room or Designated to Perform Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room
No. 2017-02
05/11/2017 Rules and Regulations for the Certification of Ratings as able Seafarer Deck in accordance to Regulation II/5 of the Standard of Trainings, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as Amended
Circular No. 2017-0
02/10/2017 Amendment to Marina Circular No. 2013-10 on the rules in the accreditation of Liaison Officers (LOs) in the issuance of Certificates of Proficiency (COPs) and other STCW-Related Certificates for Seafarers

2016 |


Number Date    Subject
Circular No. 2016-17
12/16/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment, Issuance and Revalidation of GMDSS Radio Operator Certificate.
Circular No. 2016-14
09/28/2016 Mandatory requirements for the issuance of Certificate of Proficiency for Electro-Technical Ratings in accordance in Regulation III/7 of the STCW Convention, As amended in 2010
Circular No. 2016-13
09/28/2016 Mandatory requirements for the issuance of Certificate of Proficiency for Electro-Technical Officers in accordance in Regulation III/6 of the STCW Convention, As amended in 2010
STCW Circular No. 2016-10 05/27/2016 Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of the Enhanced Support Level Program for STCW Certification as Ratings Forming Part of a Watch and Ratings as Able Seafarer
STCW Circular No. 2016-09 05/27/2016 Rules in the Issuance and Renewal of MARINA License (Professional ID)
STCW Circular No. 2016-08 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment and Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine in a Manned Engine-room or Designated to Pergorm Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-room Serving on a Seagoing Ship Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 750kW Propulsion Power or More
STCW Circular No. 2016-07 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment and Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck on a Seagoing Ship of 500 Gross Tonnage or More
STCW Circular No. 2016-06 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination , Assessment and Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Watch in a Manned Engine-room or Designated to Perform Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-room on a Seagoing Ship Powered by Main Propulsion of 750kW Propulsion Power or More
STCW Circular No. 2016-05 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment and Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch on a Seagoing Ship of 500 Gross Tonnage or more
Circular No. 2016-01
02/01/2016 Amendments To STCW Circular 2014-02 On Daily Journal Of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties And Daily Journal Of Engine-Room Watchkeeping Duties


Number Date    Subject
STCW Circular No. 2016-17 12/16/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment, Issuance and Revalidation of GMDSS Radio Operator Certificate.
STCW Circular No. 2016-15 11/07/2016

Mandatory minimum Requirements, Policies, Rules and Regulations for the Recognition and Accreditation of Assessment Centers for Ratings forming part of the Navigational Watch (Reg. II/4), Ratings as able Seafarer Deck (Reg. II/5), Ratings forming part of a Watch in a Manned Engine-Room or Designated to Perform Duties in a Periodically unmaned Engine-Room (Reg. III/4) and Ratings as able Seafarer Engine in a Manned Engine-Room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned Engine-Room (Reg. III/5)

Annex I- Evaluation Checklist for Accreditation and Recognition
Annex II- Evaluation Checklist for Accreditation of Assessment
Annex III- Certificate Format
Annex IV-A – Deck Assessment Scenario Mapping
Annex IV-B – Engine Assessment Scenario Mapping
Annex V-Practical Assessment Matrix

STCW Circular No. 2016-14 09/28/2016 Mandatory requirements for the issuance of Certificate of Proficiency for Electro-Technical Ratings in accordance in Regulation III/7 of the STCW Convention, As amended in 2010
STCW Circular No. 2016-13 09/28/2016 Mandatory requirements for the issuance of Certificate of Proficiency for Electro-Technical Officers in accordance in Regulation III/6 of the STCW Convention, As amended in 2010
STCW Circular No. 2016-08 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment and Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine in a Manned Engine-room or Designated to Pergorm Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-room Serving on a Seagoing Ship Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 750kW Propulsion Power or More
STCW Circular No. 2016-07 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment and Certification of Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck on a Seagoing Ship of 500 Gross Tonnage or More
STCW Circular No. 2016-06 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination , Assessment and Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Watch in a Manned Engine-room or Designated to Perform Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine-room on a Seagoing Ship Powered by Main Propulsion of 750kW Propulsion Power or More
STCW Circular No. 2016-05 05/27/2016 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment and Certification of Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch on a Seagoing Ship of 500 Gross Tonnage or more
STCW Circular No. 2016-02 03/15/2016 Adoption Of Practical Assessment As The Approved Test To Establish Continued Professional Competence In The Revalidation Of Certificates Under Regulation I/II And AI/II Of The 1978 STCW Convention, As Amended

2015 |


Number Date    Subject
STCW Circular

Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Education, Training, Examination, Assessment And Certification Of Ratings Forming Part Of A Watch In A Manned Engine-Room Or Designated To Perform Duties In A Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room On A Seagoing Ship Powered By Main Propulsion Of 750 Kw Propulsion Power Or More

Annex I – RFPEW Mapping
Annex III – RFPEW Part B
Annex IV – FORM 3 Qualification of Supervisors,  Instructors and Assessors
Annex V – FORM 4 Inventory of Training Equipment
Annex VI – FORM 5 Inventory of Teaching Aid
Annex VII – FORM 6 Checklist for Administrative  Requirements
Annex VIII – Certificate Format RFPEW
Annex IX – Guide in preparing Practical assessment

STCW Circular

 Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Education, Training, Examination, Assessment And Certification Of Ratings Forming Part Of A Navigational Watch On A Seagoing Ship Of 500 Gross Tonnage Or More

Annex I – RFPNW Mapping
Annex IV – FORM 3 Qualification of Supervisors,  Instructors and Assessors
Annex V – FORM 4 Inventory of Training Equipment
Annex VI – FORM 5 Inventory of Teaching Aid
Annex VII – FORM 6 Checklist for Administrative  Requirements
Annex VIII – Certificate Format RFPNW
Annex IX – Guide in preparing Practical assessment


Number Date    Subject
STCW Circular

Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Education, Training, Examination, Assessment And Certification Of Ratings Forming Part of A Watch In A Manned Engine-Room Or Designated To Perform Duties In A Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room On A Seagoing Ship Powered By Main Propulsion Of 750 Kw Propulsion Power Or More

Annex I – RFPEW Mapping
Annex III – RFPEW Part B
Annex IV – FORM 3 Qualification of Supervisors,  Instructors and Assessors
Annex V – FORM 4 Inventory of Training Equipment
Annex VI – FORM 5 Inventory of Teaching Aid
Annex VII – FORM 6 Checklist for Administrative  Requirements
Annex VIII – Certificate Format RFPEW
Annex IX – Guide in preparing Practical assessment

STCW Circular

Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Education, Training, Examination, Assessment And Certification Of Ratings Forming Part of A Navigational Watch On A Seagoing Ship Of 500 Gross Tonnage Or More

Annex I – RFPNW Mapping
Annex IV – FORM 3 Qualification of Supervisors,  Instructors and Assessors
Annex V – FORM 4 Inventory of Training Equipment
Annex VI – FORM 5 Inventory of Teaching Aid
Annex VII – FORM 6 Checklist for Administrative  Requirements
Annex VIII – Certificate Format RFPNW
Annex IX – Guide in preparing Practical assessment

STCW Circular
02/27/2015 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment, Licensing and Certification of Master on Ships of less than 500 Gross Tonnage not Engage on Near-Coastal Voyages
STCW Circular
09/28/2016 Mandatory requirements for the issuance of Certificate of Proficiency for Electro-Technical Officers in accordance in Regulation III/6 of the STCW Convention, As amended in 2010


Number Date    Subject
STCW Circular

Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Education, Training, Examination, Assessment And Certification Of Ratings Forming Part of A Watch In A Manned Engine-Room Or Designated To Perform Duties In A Periodically Unmanned Engine-Room On A Seagoing Ship Powered By Main Propulsion Of 750 Kw Propulsion Power Or More

Annex I – RFPEW Mapping
Annex III – RFPEW Part B
Annex IV – FORM 3 Qualification of Supervisors,  Instructors and Assessors
Annex V – FORM 4 Inventory of Training Equipment
Annex VI – FORM 5 Inventory of Teaching Aid
Annex VII – FORM 6 Checklist for Administrative  Requirements
Annex VIII – Certificate Format RFPEW
Annex IX – Guide in preparing Practical assessment

STCW Circular

Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Education, Training, Examination, Assessment And Certification Of Ratings Forming Part of A Navigational Watch On A Seagoing Ship Of 500 Gross Tonnage Or More

Annex I – RFPNW Mapping
Annex IV – FORM 3 Qualification of Supervisors,  Instructors and Assessors
Annex V – FORM 4 Inventory of Training Equipment
Annex VI – FORM 5 Inventory of Teaching Aid
Annex VII – FORM 6 Checklist for Administrative  Requirements
Annex VIII – Certificate Format RFPNW
Annex IX – Guide in preparing Practical assessment

STCW Circular

 Rules and Regulations for Refresher Training On

1. Proficiency In Survival Craft And Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (PSCRB)
2. Proficiency In Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)
3. Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)

Annex I – Certificate Format

STCW Circular
05/06/2015  Rules On The Monitoring Of Maritime Education Programs (MEPs), Approved Training Programs (ATPs) And Assessment Of Seafarer’s Competence Carried Out By MHEIs, MTIs, PACs and MACs
STCW Circular

Rules And Requirements For The Implementation Of Updating Training For Officers In Charge Of A Navigational Watch On Seagoing Ships Of 500 Gross Tonnage Or More And For Officers In Charge Of An Engineering Watch On Seagoing Ships Powered By Main Propulsion Machinery Of 750 Kw Propulsion Power Or More

Annex I – Updating Training for OIC-NW
Annex II – Updating Training for OIC-EW
Annex III – Certificate Format – Updating Training for OIC-NW
Annex IV – Certificate Format – Updating Training for OIC-EW


Number Date    Subject
STCW Circular
 07/02/2015 Policies, Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Assessment Centers (ACs) For the Conduct of Theoretical Examination and Practical Assessment


Number Date    Subject
STCW Circular
05/06/2015  Rules On The Monitoring Of Maritime Education Programs (MEPs), Approved Training Programs (ATPs) And Assessment Of Seafarer’s Competence Carried Out By MHEIs, MTIs, PACs and MACs


Number Date    Subject
STCW Circular
07/22/2015 Rules of Procedure in Administrative Investigation of Cases for Violations Committed by Filipino Seafarers Holding Management and Operational Level Related Functions


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